Wednesday, July 11, 2007

first post

My first entry from Bend, Oregon. Where the weather is great and the car drivers are not paying attention.

Bicycle riders on the other hand, seem to have their heads screwed on right.

I ride 1.7 miles to and from work and at lunch, ride another 17 to 33 depending on the day of the week. I do not own a car, which sometimes makes life difficult. Like when I am trying to schlep a ride back to Salem for school. There are only so many buses that go that way.

Much of the time I am on my bike is spent navigating the debris in the bike lane that the city is wont to ignore. The rest of my time is spent keeping an eye on drivers who are 1)talking on the phone, 2) talking on the phone or 3) consider me as insignificant as the environment they are polluting.

Whew...that was a vitriolic first entry. As I ease into putting my thoughts to posts, I will try to keep from being whacked by a rolling coffin.


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