Thursday, September 13, 2007

sweet, sweet candy

So, the DOT has an _a w e s o m e_ tool for preparing a is not specifically for cyclists, but it might as well be.

DOT has compiled pix of major highways, every hundredth of a mile. Now someone, anyone, can look at the stretch of highway they are going to travel, in painful detail. Likely they expect you to use a high-speed connection to do this.

Unfortunately, when I wrote this post, the link was not working. It can be found here:
and look under "Digital Video Log"

Why is this sweet? Now if you are touring on a secondary or tertiary (yes, I just like using "tertiary") you can review the roadway, check shoulder width, hills, turns, asphalt versus pavement versus chipseal, etc.

Remember, there is no someday. Tools like this get you there sooner. Now you know.

And knowing is half the battle...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That tool is awesome! I wish we had something like that here. Not like I go out of the route from home to work, but still...