Friday, September 21, 2007

name caller

My friend read this blog and jokingly called me a commie. Whatever that means.

I am not advocating for the redistribution of wealth or resources. I am advocating for changing the way we think.

We are one of the most advanced, educated, free-thinking countries in the world...and yet we are shackled to a way of life that is choking us.

While one might agree in the abstract that we need to do something, that same person will get into an SUV that seats drive to work alone. How hard is it to see the foolishness of this behavior? Are citizens that blind to what is happening?

This is a war we are in and there are those of us who are not living like my grandparents did through WWII. They conserved, made changes, tried to go farther with less.

This war, we consume, drive more, buy and consume more. That defies logic.

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