Tuesday, September 4, 2007

riding to brownsville

Last Friday I rode to B-Ville on my (new) Cannondale. 44.8 miles door to door.

One-third of the trip was just getting out of Salem. It was also the same Ankeny Winery trip from the previous ride.

The ride itself was great. I felt great, the bike felt short still. I need to get a longer neck. And a long-neck.

Two hours and thirty nine minutes and only one car swept past me at less than three feet. Everyone else gave me a wide berth, usually the entire lane. For the most part, I had great shoulders to ride and taking tertiary roads or farm roads eliminated most of the traffic. I rode through Jefferson, my first time in that town. It was not much. B-Ville was much more exciting, quaint, and well done. A real downtown that has been preserved and cared for.

I thought the ride was hard-core, going that far with panniers...Then I read the blog of my former supervisor who just did the Vancouver Iron Man. He did it all, beating his target time. Wow. I am nothing in comparison. But I suspect we both have big hearts...


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